Our Story

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The Stease Co. Difference

Stease Co. (“Stease”) is a lifestyle brand that is always evolving, just like you. What is Stease? Stease is a combination of “style” and “ease” and typically describes one’s personal touch, flavor, or funk in which comes naturally and sets one apart from others in the world in how he or she operates.  This natural separation from the pack has been the theme that Stease founders experience throughout their careers in each of their respected professional fields. 

Everyone can identify the level of Stease someone has from a mile away.  You can tell by the natural way the person rides a skateboard or surfboard, tees up a golf ball, puts on their favorite shirt, fields a ground ball, gets in and out of a swimming pool, jumps on a couch after a long day, or any action of smooth subconscious swagger, style, and ease.  The Stease is something you can’t shake off, and it translates into every aspect of your life.

Our founder learned at a young age that the inner Stease is within every one of us, and it will drive a deep desire to try new things and chase passion in the aspects of life we feel we can express our true style and ease. This passion began with outdoor living and exploration. Then a deep dive into skateboarding, snowboarding, and other extreme sports. Then a bolstered mental health approach with yoga, meditation, reading, and exercise. This evolved into passion and love for more adventure and exploration of the natural beauty in the world with hiking, trail running, and backpacking. Outdoor foundation provides a thirst for holistic preservation and environmentally sustainable practices.

This inner drive and pursuit of mastering the things we care so much about — whatever it is, is a lifelong practice that can never be perfected. This is Stease. The best part of this inner Stease is that it is personal to the individual, and it evolves with time as our lives evolve. We strive to always evolve with every individual’s inner Stease.

Welcome to the Stease ecosystem.  We have a purpose behind the company that is much larger than ourselves.  We strive to be a company that gauges itself based upon the degree of actions providing a positive impact on the greater cause. Check out our social impact here. We are happy to share our passions through our brand. We believe the clean and classy look never goes out of style, and that living with integrity and passion is life with ease. Our focus on Stease apparel with a healthy balance of organic and recycled cotton and recycled polyester blends, a message of engagement with the community, and a direct positive impact via donations to local charities and non-profits that make a difference for our future. We have curated a list of our most focused organizations our Stease lifestyle members seek to give back to: ranging from feeding and sheltering homeless to building skateparks for the youth, and National Park conservancy support to local mental health organizations. We have special Stease apparel lines and limited edition runs that have a specific donation made for every purchase, such as the Yosemite and Sequoia Stease series of apparel that donates to park conservation for every purchase.

“Always stand on stable boards by operating with integrity, continuous improvement, and putting relationships before business”
— Steven B. Silva, CEO